Hong Kong is a funny place, as it is very easy to be accelerated by its speed. After a few hours of buzz, I am always happy to retreat either into my University Office, or back to our temporary home in the Robert Black College Guesthouse. From here I overlook the main campus of the University of Hong Kong, and see even a bit of Victoria Harbour. On my right I have a judge view, and this is why I coined the book I read here "jungle books". This week's highlights so far, were very interesting. When I start with this morning, Barry Kerzin and me ambulated together up to The Peak and I showed him my favorite spot (off the crowds) to overlook Hong Kong. Who would have thought, that I (the orthodox atheist par excellence) become friends with a Buddhist Monk, and find this interesting and inspiring. And he does not just make me think, but we also laugh about the same jokes. Yesterday - the second highlight of this week - I met the newly appointed Dean of the Business School of the University of Science and Technology: Prof. Jitendra Singh. Very quickly our conversation went far beyond business and I was hugely impressed by the broadness and excellent analysis of our exchange. After the meeting, unplanned, we stayed in his office over a spinach pie and continued the conversation, overlooking the sea of Clearwater Bay and its islands. Since then, I have been thinking how the three big players of Business Education could join forces to do even more for Hong Kong.