Life has not treated me very well in 2017. And so, I am happy just bringing the year into a soft landing at its end. The drama reached another climax when I must have dropped unconscious swimming in the South China Sea a few weeks ago. I made the whole trip to "the other side" and back with an unknown duration of cardiac arrest and I am grateful to the person who rescued me and the emergency team. I am a tough cookie. I was never on "sick leave" in my life. And it would have been embarrassing to call in sick the first time with a death certificate. Still pulled through all my obligations but took life easy in between those. This came to me as another surprise of the things which can suddenly happen to you.
Waiting for my boat (Hong Kong Central ferry piers)
Typhoon debris
Typhhon debris and stray dogs.
View from the island I should perhaps have never left.
Hong Kong's flower
Everything is small in Hong Kong. Even the pleasures.
Sok Kwu Wan
Teamwork of a fishing old couple
Family outing
Mobile flower shop in Yung Shue Wan
My former hardware store
Upper Deck Star Ferry
My address for 2 months
Way to the Annex Building of The Helena May
Hong Kong building standards
Crossing on Garden Road.