Please don't think that I would be looking into the neighbor's garage to benchmark my ego. Not at all. I always found cars rather boring, and my neighbors also. But this thing here caught my attention: a two seat Hovercraft. Of course, you remember larger versions your former Channel crossings, military landings or search and rescue operations. On top of that, I recall that I once wanted to build one as a teenager. I already had the drawings, but not the budget. And as "Business Angels" (neither did I know what business was, nor angles) have not been invented back then, I opted for building a remote controlled submarine, for which I used utrasound instead of radio waves. This is by far superior for deeper dives.
But now the Hovercraft is back on my mind. Regulators don't know exactly what to do with it in terms of "driving" licence and such stuff. And when you search for drawings, you will first run into toy models. But the electric car was also a toy, before it became a life size possibility. So, I will keep looking. Specially in Malta, where the roads are bumby and congested, taking a seamless shortcut over water could be an interesting choice. The picture below shows a Hovercraft, made by "Universal Hovercraft" (click here to see what it can do or here). It is a Renegade IQ distributed by And now I am off to the engineering library. Let's see what they have.
A Renegade IQ Hovercraft in the marina in Cospicua.