
This phone is not a phone

My Nokia phone broke down about a month ago, after great lifetime. So, I went to one of the many electronics shops in Hong Kong and opted to replace it with a HUAWEI P20 Pro. It has rather high specs and is marketed by having a co-designed camera with Leica. Quickly I figured that this phone is not a phone. It is more of a pocket computer with a quite good camera, which can also to phone calls. I always thought that taking photos with a phone is more of Lomographie than photography. But have a look yourself below: these photos are all unedited, like they came out.

Hong Kong Park on the morning run

Hong Kong Park on the morning run

Lock Cha Tea House, where I tend to hold my “office hours”

Lock Cha Tea House, where I tend to hold my “office hours”

Hong Kong Park view

Hong Kong Park view

Chinese lanterns in Macau

Chinese lanterns in Macau

Grand Lisboa Hotel in Macau

Grand Lisboa Hotel in Macau

Pawn shops are the real center of power. If in a prime location, you just sit on this land with a building like this, then you don’t need the money of the developers.

Pawn shops are the real center of power. If in a prime location, you just sit on this land with a building like this, then you don’t need the money of the developers.

Street in Macau, where I stayed.

Street in Macau, where I stayed.

Macau is full of sharks. Here one of them.

Macau is full of sharks. Here one of them.

Macau Ferry Terminal upon arrival in Hong Kong

Macau Ferry Terminal upon arrival in Hong Kong

Lamma Island towards the South, seen from Mount Stenhouse.

Lamma Island towards the South, seen from Mount Stenhouse.

The Bauhinia flower is the Hong Kong, city flower. It is also symbolic on Hong Kong’s map.

The Bauhinia flower is the Hong Kong, city flower. It is also symbolic on Hong Kong’s map.

Fallen Bauhinia on the granite staircase up the Hong Kong Zoological Garden.

Fallen Bauhinia on the granite staircase up the Hong Kong Zoological Garden.